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Christ Redeems

Today was a worship service with a sprinkle of a wedding. I pray all who attended and those reading this blog know the extent of Christ’s love and grace. I pray that Joe and I provided concrete examples through our testimony of His love and grace, and the power of redemption.

His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). He does more than we could ever ask, hope, dream or imagine when our lives are surrendered to His divine working power and we are connected to the Holy Spirit to receive His anointing.

This little white church above is what I would have thought I would have been worthy of for my wedding day today. But God blessed me with a man who wanted to share his place of employment, and wanted to make sure I had a wedding that exceeded all my expectations or wishes. There is no telling what Christ can do through us to advance His kingdom when our lives are surrendered to Him and the call on our lives.

God never promised in scripture that He will not ever give us more than we can bear. However, He did promise to walk with us (Psalm 23:4; Isaiah 41:10). He also promises that in our weakness he makes us strong (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). The one guarantee we have is the promise of eternity without pain and sorrow when we surrender our lives to Christ (Revelation 21:1-4).

Mission Haven Rediemed, LLC is excited to announce its partner, Mission Haven Rediemed Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit that will serve others by performing mission work at home and abroad. In December, we will be happy to take all of your tax deductible donations, and we are happy to be your new favorite charity! Stay tuned for all the events and happenings surrounding the mission!

Attached are a few videos to review of our testimony and clips from our night of wedding worship. I pray you enjoy them and that they impact your life in a mighty way.

The JAM (Joe and Abi Matos) are just beginning to embark on all the adventures Christ has for us as a married couple and continuing to serve in our individual areas of specialty; we pray you will continue to journey with us as we set out on so many new adventures.

In His Service,

The JAM!


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