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Servant of the Healer, my LORD!

A year ago tonight, Saturday by day, March 25 by date, I realized I had been miraculously healed. I did not know the extent of it yet, but I knew I was healed. My oxygen saturation was 100% on room air! My resting heart rate had dropped to 64 beats per minute. I would go to church the next morning and see I could sing at the top of my lungs and jump up and down, and my heart rate would only be in the 70's with an oxygen saturation of 99%. Why would God grant me a miracle? I do not know, and to this day, I do not know why he picked me to heal versus another. Believe me, I could think of so many more deserving than I! I am sure you can think of a few who deserved it more than me as well. I feel you.

But tonight, I just want to say thank you to my LORD, my LORD, my Rock, my Redeemer, thank you. Words will never be enough, but I pray this year has been a start to a thank you. I pray that my songs, my dances, the LLC, the MHR.Foundation, my talents, my service, most of all my life and my heart are a start to a thank you, MY KING.

I want my life, the primary care and urgent care, the mission, my role as a wife and mother, I pray, my LORD, to honor you each day, and I know I have failed at times this year, but I want to say thank you for bringing me through this year, to this year, and for all the years that are to come.

For those of you reading, I want to remind you of Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV), “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

I pray when you see my life, when you know of the miracles in my life, it is a testimony of his faithfulness, goodness and mercy! He changed me, healed me, and redeemed not just me, but my whole life! He can do it for you, too! He is the never changing, ever faithful Father, and He has a plan“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV). He loves you.

Life can be hard, ugly, cruel, and so unkind. It is trusting in the “valleys of life,” when life feels so dark and all you see are the trees in front of you, around you, above you, and the light seems like it will never shine again, those times are so hard to trust. Believe me, I know, but in Honduras last month, I was reminded of something so important. As the sun shone high and so bright on the mountain top of the mission house where I was staying my soul was reminded:

The Sun, more importantly the SON, Christ Jesus, does not change in brightness or presence. It is our circumstances, feelings, and views of situations that change. Faith is trusting in the presence, strength, and existence of the Sun/SON even when we are in a valley of darkness. Clouded perceptions and terrible vantage points change. The SON never fails to be present and hold our hand, walk with us in the valley (Psalm 23, Isaiah 41:10).

God is faithful even when it feels dark. Joy can be found in the stillness, in the dark, in the valleys and on mountain tops. Christ is the one sure foundation to place all trust.

So Father, as we embark on year two, I pray that you continue to work through me to be all you created me to be. Let me be your hands and feet in this world, as the composer John Ness Beck wrote , and my dear friend Moises sings so beautifully…

In His Service I Journey On, Join Me!


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