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Worship and Thanksgiving to The Healer!

I pray that the video from Honduras blessed you (posted to last month’s blog). Last month you all learned I am not a professional dancer. I started learning dance in April so I could take the dance in Spanish with me to the precious beings in Honduras.

Since my miracle, I have also started singing. Again, I am no singer, my children and Joe can give you a strong assurance of that. However, Jesus stated in Luke 19:40, “If they kept quiet, the stones would do it for them, shouting praise” (MSG). Just like the crippled man that was healed by God through Peter and John (Acts 3:1-10 & Acts 4), I have the same response as the leaper, Peter and John, I cannot keep quiet about what Jesus has done to heal me.

2 Samuel 24:24 speaks about King David replying to Araunah regarding land, “No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing” (NIV). Singing is not comfortable for me because I know how I sound (maybe even not comfortable for the listener ), but who am I to keep my mouth shut when my Lord chose to heal me? So my songs of praise are a true sacrifice of worship and thanksgiving.

Christ Jesus my Lord gave His life for me! He healed me! And, I serve and share so that others may know the fullness of his love and grace. I must continue to live my life for Him, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide my heart to lead a way to show others the redeeming power of Christ my Lord.

I define worship asthe surrender of myself to Christ, in active pursuit to outwardly display the giving of my talents to others’ benefit and aid in an effort to further bless and advance the kingdom; a purposeful response of praise.

I pray the video blesses you. It is a condensed testimony of my miraculous healing. A week after my healing, I ran a 5K in 35 minutes without stopping through the streets of Fort Worth, Texas. I made a shirt that said, I run because My Lord healed me. On the back, was a tombstone with dates. The first date was 7.9.2020, the day I became ill with COVID and began suffering so many complications including the need to be on oxygen. The other date, 3.25.2023, the day I was completely healed. Fun fact, I wrote No Joke on my forehead with a sharpie marker because it was April Fool’s Day when I ran, and not for a second did I want anyone to think my shirt was a joke.

One of the pictures in the video is of a woman that was healed in Honduras after not being able to get out of bed for two years. God healed her too! When we went to install a water filter in her home, she had on a shirt that read, Run for God. God is in the miracle working business!

Won’t you join me in worship due our King?


Bible References

(MSG) The Message Copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson.

(NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


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